Friday, October 16, 2009

Some people...

are special.

When you meet them, it leaves a mark on you. Mind you, I have met people who leave not so nice marks -- a few of them actually -- but I have had the honor of meeting many more who leave beautiful marks on me, marks that can never be removed.

Deb Hepler was one of those people.

I remember the first time I met her. She recognized me because I look like my sister -- NO, WAIT! my sister looks like me, damn it! I digress...she saw my sister in me and we talked for an hour. and it seemed like 5 minutes, or 5 hours of wisdom. She asked me all about my boys until I was embarrassed and felt like I was talking too much about them. She asked me about me and my hopes and dreams and what I wanted to do with my life and my passions. Little did I know, she was an endless resource of how to go about living my life to the fullest.

Mama Deb was and will always be an inspiration to me. She is a TRUE person. She is someone who will meet the children of her son's girlfriend's sister (straighten that out -- try!) and treat them as her own family. She is someone who will hold KJ on her lap during fireworks (KJ HATES fireworks -- and I don't blame her after her umpteen days in the NICU) and comfort her and sit inside and sing the same song over and over in her ear so she would be distracted. Mama Deb never let pain show on her face when I was with her. Mama Deb made the greatest fresh mozzarella, fresh tomato and basil salad I've ever tasted. Mama Deb knew what it was like to have family.

Listening to her sisters talk about her...I was instantly transported to my one of my sister's funerals and it was all I could do to hold Katie on my lap and hear her say "I want my Mommy" and I simply replied, "I do, too." I never want to be in that position, speaking at my sisters' funerals, but if I have the honor of celebrating their lives - I will remember the phrase always -- because that's what sisters do.

Maybe you wonder why I call Mama Deb...Mama Deb. Because her greatest contribution to my life is the gift she gave my neice and nephew and my sister and her Eric. She made an indelible impression on them. Thank you, Mama Deb.

Selfishly, you are my hero. I want to be like you when I grow up.

Unselfishly, well, I'm not quite that far yet.

Maybe they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy." -- Eskimo proverb

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Boys...

It is amazing that three children, all with the same DNA, as close as any people can be, can be as different as these kids are. I think every mom is amazed by this ridiculously obvious detail of mothering.

My Robbie is a challenger...a poet...a sportsman...he has a very tender heart...he's a bit Dr. Doolittle...and he loves pink.

My Jake is a pleaser...amazing at math...hilarious and not because he tries...extremely good-looking and has no idea...loves his brothers to the very bottom of his heart and ALWAYS asks me how my day was.

My Brady is a baby...and always will be...he adores his brothers...reads chapter books and does way too smart for his own good...yet still sucks his thumb and needs his Spongebob pillow to sleep...has the most beautiful eyes...and will still ask "to hold me."

I am a blessed woman.