Friday, October 2, 2009

My Boys...

It is amazing that three children, all with the same DNA, as close as any people can be, can be as different as these kids are. I think every mom is amazed by this ridiculously obvious detail of mothering.

My Robbie is a challenger...a poet...a sportsman...he has a very tender heart...he's a bit Dr. Doolittle...and he loves pink.

My Jake is a pleaser...amazing at math...hilarious and not because he tries...extremely good-looking and has no idea...loves his brothers to the very bottom of his heart and ALWAYS asks me how my day was.

My Brady is a baby...and always will be...he adores his brothers...reads chapter books and does way too smart for his own good...yet still sucks his thumb and needs his Spongebob pillow to sleep...has the most beautiful eyes...and will still ask "to hold me."

I am a blessed woman.


  1. i want these photos.
    i want them at work to show off, and on my walls at home.
    i want more time with them and with you.

  2. i'm thinking i know what the closest theatre is. and i can be there by 10ish so i can hang out for a bit before i take them. but text me back!!!
    love you. and xoxoxox to all four of you.

  3. I'm in love with these children.

    I'm so glad you are my family.
