Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Surprisingly enough...I don't feel a bit differently since I've finished my masters studies. Maybe I won't really graduate and that's why...I know that's really not a viable option...I'm not quite sure why I'm stuck on it. I thought for sure that I would have some kind of epiphany...that I would know exactly what I want to do and be. I thought I would have an inherent sense of pride. I don't. I still don't feel that I've done enough.

What is this aching in me that says it's never good enough? Why do I always have to try or be or do one more thing? Am I teaching that overwhelming lesson to my kids?? Dear God, please don't let me teach that to them.

Why is there always a nasty wind at my back that says...move...move...keep's not's not enough...

I hope other people don't feel this way. Honestly.

Melanie Taylor Harris, M.A.

1 comment:

  1. This probably isn't helpful,
    but no matter what the 'voices' inside you say,
    the voices Outside of you always believe that
    You are good enough
    You are MORE than enough
    You are wonderful
    You are loved.

    Just be you.

    Love you.
