Sunday, January 31, 2010

To Brady From Auntie CoCo

A letter handwritten in different colored ink, in beautiful penmanship...I will be the mother of the year if my boys can produce these letters at their darkest moments to remember that their Aunt adores them...

Brady --

You first cry when you were born made me cry. I have been thankful every single day of your life for the joy you have brought into my life. I love you so much Brady. If you ever need just a hug -- you can always hug me. That's how much I love you and more!

Just a few reasons I love Brady:

1. You have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. (I think they came from heaven).

2. You always play with KJ even when you don't feel like it sometimes. AND -- you share your games.

3. You love your mommy very much and that makes Auntie CoCo very happy!

4. Just because you are YOU! (and I think that is pretty special).


Auntie CoCo

1 comment:

  1. **crying**

    thank you for keeping this.

    brady, every single one of these things are true.

    I love you.
